WRC Clean Energy Credit Exchange

Energy Management Promotes Financial Performance

WRC has developed a proprietary WRC Clean Energy Credit Exchange in cooperation with Global Renewable Energies and the World Green Exchange. The growth of renewable energy solutions within the real estate market is gaining momentum on a daily basis. In addition to owning green power generation and securing budget certainty, there is inherent equity value represented by environmental commodities produced through these efforts. The WRC Clean Energy Credit Exchange is a 100% Sarbanes-Oxley transparent platform for buying, selling, and trading renewable energy and environmental commodities such as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs).

Renewable Energy Certificate
A Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is the monetization of one kilowatt hour (kWh) of energy derived from renewable sources. RECs are earned through the development of renewable energy projects (i.e., geothermal, solar, wind, etc.) and are sold to organizations to increase their green energy consumption or to comply with renewable portfolio standards (RPS).

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) are a form of Renewable Energy Certificates or “Green Tags”.  SRECs exist in states that have Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) legislation with specific requirements for solar energy, usually reffered to as a “solar carve-out”.  SRECs represent the environment attributes from a soalr facility and are produced each time a solar system produces one megawatt-hour (MWh) of production.  The additional income received from selling SRECs increases the economic value of a solar investment assists with the financability of the solar technology.  In conjunction with state and federal incentives, WRC client/joint venture partners who deploy solar systems in their developments can recover the solar investment by selling the SRECs through either spot market sales or 5-year contracts.  WRC can facilitate these transaction through the WRC Clean Energy Credit Exchange.

The WRC Clean Energy Credit Exchange is the most effective method of extracting the best value for green assets. It is exclusively powered by World Energy Solutions, the same award-winning auction-based technology used in several state energy procurement programs and by the GSA in its procurement of electricity, natural gas, and green power for over 40 Federal agencies. WRC’s Green Team can assess your specific green asset opportunity and advise you on the most profitable course of action depending on your state or geographic region.